24 hour Blood Pressure Monitor (ABPM) using Smart Technology
The iHealth CardioMed is the world’s first 24 Hour Blood Pressure Monitors (ABPM), built around the very latest smart technology. iHealth CardioMed is a bluetooth device, easy to use and fit, with enhanced patient comfort. Clinically validated for accuracy to the latest protocol (see below for full details). A through mobile solution in the clinic or practice or even away from the office, not tied to specific PC’s but nevertheless fully integrated in the Practice Management System, whether that be HealthOne, Helix or Socrates.
That is because the Report generation is by means of a secure medical cloud based App, the iHealth CardioPro, using Apple iPad’s, which are included in the price of the plans. The App and future updates are available to download free on the Apple Store, all fully GDPR compliant.

A 24 hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor (ABPM), using smart technolgy, a world’s first
The reports generated by iHealth CardioPro App are viewed on the iPad immediately after the patients returns to the practice, and the device syncs back with the iPad, and are fully detailed. They incorporate a Professional Interpretative report along with Trend Reporting as Hypertension Control is an important feature of the app. The secure cloud stores up to 7 years of Patient’s ABPM reports for comparison, helping to ensuring that hypertension is in fact being controlled.
Clinically validated for accuracy in accordance with the ANSI/AAMI/ISO 81060-2:2013 protocol and the results peer reviewed and published on PMID: 29406327.81060-2:2013 – (Pass General population), superseding the BHS protocol of 1993 and that of the ESH-IP:2010 by over 10 years.
Scientifically, this puts doubts over other 24-hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitors claims of accuracy in today’s marketplace.This is because the protocol used then (up to 25 years old) to access accuracy and the technolgy and components compared, may not exist today, and the protocol used has long been superseded.

Why iHealth’s CardioMed over other ABPM Devices
- Part of a suite of devices which includes 12 lead ECG and soon Ultrasound all intergrated
- Latest design & technology, making current devices available, seem redundant
- Very competitive subscription based pricing plans, which means low upfront costs.
- All in one design (no tubes belts, or battery pack), easily disinfected, important Covid-19 consideration
- Completely mobile around the clinic and integrated into HealthOne, Socrates & HPM
- Quiet operation, easy to fit & remove in under 3 mins
- Can be fitted over loose clothing
- 24/48h measurement intervals
- Low maintenance, no calibration needed and average charging times of only 3o min
- Clinically Validated for Accuracy
- Activity & Posture tracking
- Interpretative and Trend Reporting, easy integration into existing patient management systems

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About Blood Pressure Control in Ireland
If we compare BP control rates with the UK & Canada, we see that we have much work to do and the sooner we set about improving matters the sooner we will halt the creeping epidemic of the cardiovascular consequences of uncontrolled hypertension. How much the admirable Canadian rate of BP control can be attributed to the ready availability of ABPM in that country is difficult to ascertain, but certainly the recent approval for reimbursement of ABPM in primary care here in Ireland is a significant step in the right direction.
Reference: unpublished data from MURPHY CM et al TILDA Study J Publ Health 2015
- In Ireland nearly 65% of people over 50 years have Hypertension
- However only 55% are aware of their Hypertension Status.
- In those with Hypertension, less than 60% were on treatment.
- Of those on treatment, only half had their BP controlled to below 140/90 mmHg
iHealth CardioMed’s data is synchronised by bluetooth with iHealthCardio Pro App, on Apple iPad for a through mobile solution throughout the clinic
Easily deployed on iPad, iHealth CardioPro allows quick scheduling of patients in a clinic, upload of the data and intuitive visualisation of the report to review the patients hypertension status.
All data is saved to a secure cloud storage compliant with GDPR allowing trend reporting over years.
Integration to existing IT systems is achieved using secure mail to transfer the reports (PDF) and or HTML file

Please register here to view our price plans or to discuss more your requirements and receive further details
Medaware Ltd. t/a Meda24
48 Serpentine Avenue, Ballsbridge, Dublin. D04 H522, IRELAND.
- Phone: +353 1 6643768
- Email: info@meda24.ie
- Website: www.meda24.ie